Articles Posted in Jeffrey Weinstein

No soup for you! Ex-Soupman CFO sentenced to jail time
The Law Office of Jeffrey L. Weinstein

The soup restaurant chain made famous by “Seinfeld” declared bankruptcy in June 2017. Now its former chief finance officer has been sentenced to nine months in prison for tax evasion. He was arrested in May of 2017. Robert Bertrand was sentenced to nine months in a federal prison in early April for a nearly $600,000…

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IRA and 401(k) plans and beneficiaries
The Law Office of Jeffrey L. Weinstein

If you have beneficiaries listed on your IRA and 401(k) plans the money in those accounts will go directly to the beneficiaries and not into probate after you die. If your spouse is a beneficiary, then the money goes directly to them as an inheritance. If the person is not a relation, the assets get…

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Protect your estate from lawsuits
The Law Office of Jeffrey L. Weinstein

In planning their estates. many people never consider the prospect that their survivors might sue each other over their share of the estate, but that happens more often than not when money is involved. To protect our estate from survivors fighting over a piece of the inheritance pie, here are some ways, when drafting your…

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Can you bequeath your digital music files?
The Law Office of Jeffrey L. Weinstein

At the dawn of the digital world, something happened that most didn’t notice. Computer software that you paid money for was no longer yours. You didn’t own it, you only licensed it from the company and they had limitations as to what you could do with it. Now that concept has spread to all aspects…

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Victim’s Fit Bit becomes silent witness to her murder
The Law Office of Jeffrey L. Weinstein

Connecticut police arrested the husband in his wife’s murder when wife’s Fit bit data contradicted the husband story. According to CNN, in an apparent attempt to establish an alibi, the husband claimed his wife was shot by an intruder at 9:05 am. Police became suspicious when they retrieved the wife’s Fit bit from her wrist.…

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Arbitration clauses: Beware of the fine print. Part Two: Equifax
The Law Office of Jeffrey L. Weinstein

Yesterday we wrote about a NY Times investigation about the privatization of the judicial system and why you should stay away from arbitration clauses. Well, to flesh that out a bit more, let’s look the recent Equifax hack in which millions of people’s personal information was stolen. To add insult to injury, Equifax has an…

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Arbitration clauses: Beware of the fine print
The Law Office of Jeffrey L. Weinstein

In the last ten years business in the U.S. have turned to arbitration to create an alternate system of justice where “rules tend to favor businesses, and judges and juries have been replaced by arbitrators who commonly consider the companies their clients.” Those are the conclusions after a New York Times investigation found a disturbing…

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Couple files “Wrongful Life” lawsuit
The Law Office of Jeffrey L. Weinstein

A Long Beach, California couple is suing Long Beach Memorial Medical Center for wrongful life and wrongful birth claiming their negligence denied them the option of having an abortion. Javier Sanchez and Samantha Hernandez told her OB/GYN that they wanted tests for genetic disorders because they said she and Sanchez could not afford to raise…

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Georgia probate judge defends taking a piece of the action
The Law Office of Jeffrey L. Weinstein

There’s a fight going on in Chattooga County, Ga. over $76,000. Last month, County Commissioner Jason Winters, visited Probate Court Judge Jon Payne. He told the judge that the county auditor had noticed the judge had been cutting checks to himself; $35,813 in 2015 and $40,410 in 2016. Payne explained that the money came from…

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Second mortgages and bankruptcy
The Law Office of Jeffrey L. Weinstein

In 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that Second Mortgages and Home Equity Lines of Credit may not be dischargeable in bankruptcy even if the entire amount of the loan is underwater. By underwater, we mean that the value (FMV) of the home is less than the amount of the first mortgage. Until this recent…

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